4 Safety Tips to Consider Before Beginning a Detox Cleanse

Sep 28, 2023

Even for the most diligent health nut, today’s sprawling health industry can feel a bit overwhelming. When beginning a detox cleanse, it pays to do your research before jumping right in. It’s important to make the right choices for your unique body type while keeping these general guidelines in mind.

Be Careful to Hit Your Macros

Proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, also called macronutrients, are the most elemental nutritional categories for breaking down the food you eat into the fuel that powers body and mind. When beginning any detox, it’s important to make a plan to maintain balanced levels of these essentials even in the face of a diminished appetite or a system designed to restrict caloric intake. A diet can easily leave you deficient in vitamins and minerals, which are building blocks your body needs to maintain energy. Inadequate protein will lead to loss of muscle tone. A low-fat intake can disrupt your body’s hormonal balance. A low carb diet, while useful in fat loss, can impact athletic performance if glucose levels drop too steeply.

Nutritional supplements are key tools in managing your body’s levels during the shock of detox. Fiber supplements are helpful to maintain digestive functions during liquid cleanses. Vitamins C and D empower your immune system to withstand the shock of a radically altered diet. Proper B vitamin levels help the liver metabolize unwanted toxins. Higher magnesium levels contribute to stopping a buildup of heavy metals in your body.

Reintroduce Foods Slowly

Just as it’s important to ease the body into a detox, adding foods back into your diet should be done with care and deliberation. Limit your portion sizes of foods containing carbohydrates. Look for complex carbs like beans or sweet potatoes that are broken down much more slowly to save your body from an unpleasant glycemic spike. If you eat dairy, try starting with unsweetened yogurt or kefir, which will help rebalance your gut’s microbiome.

Source: http://myapapaya.com/

Never Use Home Detox for Drug Rehab

In cases of drug addiction, home-based detox cleanses are no substitute for the supervision of medical professionals. A systemic disruption of your body’s metabolic routine is not without risk in itself even before pairing it with withdrawal, and withdrawal symptoms can even be deadly. There’s a place for self-care, but drug rehab calls for a collaborative process.

Source: https://www.columbusrecoverycenter.com/

Consult Your Doctor Before You Begin

As always, it’s good to talk to a trusted source before beginning a new diet or supplement regime. Your doctor or nutritionist can counsel you about potential risks and can help evaluate symptoms you might be hoping to eliminate. Blood work should be done before and after your cleanse to target specific nutritional deficiencies that could require supplementation.

Source: https://www.beyonddiet.com/

Cleanses can be a way to jump start a new approach to your health, but they must be paired with a proper diet and supplementation in the long term to produce consistent results. Once you’ve detoxed, you avoid ‘retoxing’ by staying active and being mindful of what foods and nutritional substances you choose to include in your life.

Make sure when doing a detox cleanse to take supplements that will keep you in good health throughout!