Are You Getting All the Vitamins You Need?

Sep 28, 2023

Among the positive aspects of living in an age of technology is that information is more accessible than ever before. Clearly, having online information readily available at our fingertips has helped to spark a health revolution. Today, more than ever, there is a growing sense of health-consciousness throughout society. People are generally more aware of their health needs, and the old adage “ignorance is bliss” no longer applies to our health-oriented generation. Clearly, most people are interested in improving and maintaining their health, and they want to know the steps necessary to achieve this goal. But with the current wave of health information comes some important questions to consider.

Questions, Questions…

While there is certainly no shortage of dietary information available in today’s marketplace, charting the best nutritional course of action can be a daunting task for the average person. Ponder for a moment the range of questions to consider: What is the best source of protein? How much protein is enough for my body on a daily basis? How many carbohydrates can I have per day? Are high-fat foods ok to eat? Should I avoid sugar entirely? Is it ok to drink diet soda? How many meals per day should I eat? What are the best snack foods? The list goes on, and it can be overwhelming. Maybe we are asking the wrong questions.

It’s Time To Ask The Central Question

Instead of measuring our nutritional goals by the standards of a carefully marketed diet plan, what if we were to return to a simple, common sense approach to nutrition that is centered around one central question? Now that would be easier to follow; wouldn’t it? The single most important question to ask that can place one on the pathway to vibrant health is a rather simple one: Am I getting all the vitamins I need in the foods I eat?

The Source Is Everything

A wise old man I knew used to tell people to “consider the source” whenever they were unsettled or upset by a piece of information they had received. In other words, is the information you are focusing on right now coming from a source that is worthy of your attention? Where food is concerned, the source is everything. Eating foods naturally high in vitamin content is the best way of ensuring that your cells are being nourished and that your body is receiving the fuel it needs for daily life activity. So where eating is concerned, simply erase from your diet those “empty calorie” foods devoid of nutritional value, and instead focus on the basics: fresh fruits and vegetables – especially the dark colored variety such as dark greens or reds, lean meats such as chicken and fish, snacks containing protein and natural fats such as nuts and yogurt.

We Have A Problem

Unfortunately, even the best of today’s diets can be lacking in vitamin content due to the poor, nutrient-impoverished soil conditions in which many of our foods are currently grown. This is where the importance of supplements enters the picture. Adding a daily supplement regimen to your diet can help to ensure that your body is receiving all of the vital nutrients it needs. Which supplements are right for you? Generally, a natural high potency multi-vitamin is a good starting point. Consider adding additional supplements such as a green superfood to nourish body cells, a protein powder to ensure adequate dietary protein, and a probiotic formula for intestinal health. Finally, a good supplement to address specific health needs, such as a garlic capsule for immunity or Ubiquinol for heart health can round out the list.

So there it is. This simple approach to healthy living can be followed whether you are just getting started in health and wellness, or if you have been focused on good nutrition for many years. Vibrant health can be yours—enjoy the journey.



Harvard Health
