Factors That Put You at Higher Risk of a Tooth Infection

Sep 27, 2023

If you’ve had issues with your teeth in the past, you know how debilitating having tooth infections can be! But, you also do what you’re supposed to do: brush your teeth, floss, and go to the dentist! Why do problems keep happening?  What are factors that put you at higher risk for a tooth infection?


Unfortunately, bad teeth can have hereditary factors! This can mean that your teeth’s enamel is thinner or more prone to bacterial infections because of your ancestors, who had similar issues. Or, it can also mean that bacteria has been passed in the family that causes cavities, even. Your bone structure, like overcrowded teeth, can influence being able to clean teeth properly, and this also is caused by heredity. All of these things can influence having tooth infections as well.

A Poor Diet

However, there are some diet factors that you can use to help boost your natural genetic needs. Acidic foods like citrus fruits have a tendency to break down enamel. So, when you eat them, rinse your mouth with water. Sugary sodas, and even diet sodas, have components which can break down tooth enamel as well, and which can be acidic. Eating leafy greens and crunchy fruits and vegetables can help clean off your teeth between brushing mornings and evenings. Dental fillings can repair damage from cavities after a prolonged sugar consumption.

Dry Mouth

There are a large number of factors for having a dry mouth, including age, and taking various medications and using some drugs, like marijuana or other cannabinoid products. This doesn’t mean you throw your medications out of the window! If you have a persistent dry mouth, talk to your doctor about your options. Especially if you have dry mouth, it’s critical you brush twice daily with a soft toothbrush, and that you are using a toothpaste that has fluoride. This helps protect your enamel!

You can’t change your genetics, but you can make sure your diet is helping your teeth, and that you’re preventing as many infections as possible. It’s also possible to use medications to prevent dry mouth, and to make sure you stay hydrated. But while you’re flossing and making sure you’re going to the dentist twice yearly, don’t condemn yourself if you are someone prone to tooth infection. Ask your dentist what more you can do to protect your teeth, instead!

Check out this article on the foods that do the most damage to your teeth!