Not Sleeping Right? Here Are Some Possible Reasons Why

Sleeping may seem like one of the most normal activities human beings can perform. But when sleep problems develop it can undermine your ability to work and play, and can even have an effect on your emotional state. Finding the cause of the sleep problem can be difficult, but physicians are beginning to investigate these issues more aggressively. If you are not sleeping right, consider these common sleep issues.


Physicians deal with the negative effects of sleep every day and understand that managing daily stress can have a significant effect on cardiovascular health and mental health. Make stress management a part of your daily regime, by exercising, meditating, engaging in hobbies or socializing with friends, to relieve common stress and improve your health.

Physical Discomfort

Aches and pains can also prevent you from falling asleep or staying asleep. Musculoskeletal problems, neurological problems, respiratory problems or allergies can all cause physical discomfort that can keep you from sleep soundly. Some individuals suffer from restless leg syndrome, which produces crawling sensations that make them want to move their legs continuously during sleep, often waking them up. You may not know you even have this problem until it is investigated. Medications are available to help this syndrome.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a common condition that results in periods of stopped breathing during sleep. The problem can cause frequent waking during the night, without the person understanding why it is occurring. According to the Mayo Clinic, evidence shows that sleep apnea can also contribute to high blood pressure, diabetes and cardiovascular problems. If your sleep partner notices that you have uneven breathing patterns during the night, talk to your doctor about treatments for sleep apnea.


Individuals who have experienced emotional trauma, such as military combat, being the victim of a crime or physical or sexual abuse can develop a condition called post-traumatic stress, which can interfere with normal sleep patterns. A number of different treatments are available, including antidepressant medications, cognitive behavioral therapy and other types of therapy. Experiencing physical trauma, such as being in a serious accident, can also cause disturbed sleep patterns. Hawklaw states that brain injuries from car accidents can linger and can cause distressing side effects like memory loss, sleep problems, and difficulty focusing.

When you have difficulty getting to sleep or experience frequent waking periods, the lack of adequate sleep can have a significant impact on normal activity. There are many solutions to help you have a better quality of sleep, including taking natural supplements, avoiding caffeine and screens before bed, and having a nighttime ritual. No matter what, discuss the problem with your physician and develop effective treatments to help you sleep more soundly, so you can live more effectively.
