Top Women's Health Supplements for Every Age

Women's health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being that deserves attention and care throughout every stage of life. As women navigate the unique challenges and changes that come with each decade, the right supplements can provide essential support for their bodies and minds. While a balanced diet and regular exercise form the foundation of a healthy lifestyle, targeted supplementation can help fill nutritional gaps and address specific health concerns. 

However, with so many options available on the market, it can be overwhelming to determine which supplements are most beneficial for each age group. This article aims to empower women by highlighting the top supplements for every stage of life, from the energetic 20s to the wisdom-filled years beyond 50. By understanding the key nutrients needed to thrive at each age, women can take proactive steps towards optimising their health and embracing their full potential.

Supplements for Women in Their 20s


Women in their 20s are often juggling the demands of higher education, early career development, and social life. During this time, it's crucial to lay a strong foundation for long-term health by supporting bone density, energy levels, and overall well-being. Two essential nutrients for bone health are calcium and vitamin D. Calcium plays a vital role in building and maintaining strong bones, while vitamin D helps the body absorb and utilise calcium effectively. The recommended daily intake of calcium for women in their 20s is 1,000 mg, which can be obtained through dietary sources like dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified foods. Vitamin D can be synthesised by the body through sun exposure, but supplements may be necessary, especially in regions with limited sunlight. The recommended daily intake of vitamin D is 600 IU.

Iron is another crucial nutrient for women in their 20s, particularly those who are menstruating. Iron helps transport oxygen throughout the body and plays a key role in red blood cell production. Low iron levels can lead to fatigue, weakness, and anaemia. The recommended daily intake of iron for women aged 19-50 is 18 mg, which can be obtained through dietary sources like lean red meat, poultry, fish, and iron-fortified foods. Women following plant-based diets may require iron supplements to meet their needs.

B-complex vitamins, including thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), biotin (B7), folate (B9), and cobalamin (B12), play essential roles in energy production, metabolism, and stress management. These vitamins help convert food into fuel, support nervous system function, and contribute to healthy skin, hair, and nails. The recommended daily intakes vary for each B vitamin, but a balanced diet containing whole grains, legumes, leafy greens, and lean proteins can help meet these requirements. In some cases, a B-complex supplement may be beneficial, especially for vegans and vegetarians who may be at risk of B12 deficiency.

Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA, are important for brain health, heart function, and reducing inflammation. These healthy fats can be found in fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines, as well as in plant-based sources like flaxseed, chia seeds, and walnuts. The recommended daily intake of EPA and DHA combined is 250-500 mg. For those who don't regularly consume fatty fish, an omega-3 supplement derived from fish oil or algae can help meet this requirement.

Supplements for Women in Their 30s and 40s

methyl folate 5-mthf

As women enter their 30s and 40s, their bodies undergo significant changes, particularly in relation to fertility and hormone balance. During this time, supplementation can help support preconception health, stress management, and overall well-being. Folate, also known as vitamin B9, is crucial for women planning to conceive. This nutrient plays a vital role in foetal development, particularly in the formation of the neural tube. Adequate folate intake reduces the risk of neural tube defects like spina bifida. The recommended daily intake of folate for women of childbearing age is 400 mcg, which can be obtained through dietary sources like leafy greens, legumes, and fortified grains. However, many healthcare professionals recommend a prenatal supplement containing 600-800 mcg of folate for women actively trying to conceive.

Magnesium is another important nutrient for women in their 30s and 40s, as it helps regulate stress levels and supports hormone balance. This mineral is involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body, including energy production, muscle and nerve function, and the synthesis of neurotransmitters like serotonin. Magnesium can be found in foods like nuts, seeds, leafy greens, and whole grains, but stress, caffeine intake, and certain medications can deplete magnesium levels. The recommended daily intake of magnesium for women aged 31-50 is 320 mg, and supplements can help bridge any gaps in dietary intake.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an antioxidant that plays a crucial role in energy production within the cells. As women age, CoQ10 levels naturally decline, which can impact fertility and overall energy levels. Supplementing with CoQ10 has been shown to improve egg quality and increase the likelihood of conception in women undergoing assisted reproductive treatments. The recommended daily intake of CoQ10 varies, but most studies suggest a dosage of 100-300 mg per day for fertility support.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that supports immune function, collagen production, and skin health. As women age, their skin loses elasticity and becomes more susceptible to damage from UV radiation and environmental stressors. Vitamin C helps protect the skin by neutralising free radicals and promoting the synthesis of collagen, a protein that gives skin its firmness and structure. The recommended daily intake of vitamin C for women aged 31-50 is 75 mg, which can be obtained through dietary sources like citrus fruits, berries, and bell peppers. Supplements can provide additional support, particularly for women who smoke or are exposed to high levels of pollution.

Supplements for Women in Their 50s and Beyond

menopause complex

As women enter their 50s and beyond, their bodies experience significant hormonal changes, particularly during menopause. This transition can impact bone health, cognitive function, and overall well-being. Supplementation can help alleviate menopausal symptoms and support healthy ageing. Calcium and vitamin D become increasingly important for women in their 50s and beyond, as the risk of osteoporosis increases with age. During menopause, oestrogen levels decline, which can accelerate bone loss and increase the likelihood of fractures. The recommended daily intake of calcium for women over 50 is 1,200 mg, while the recommended intake of vitamin D increases to 800-1,000 IU per day. In addition to dietary sources, supplements can help ensure adequate intake of these crucial nutrients.

Vitamin B12 is essential for nerve function, red blood cell formation, and cognitive health. As women age, their ability to absorb vitamin B12 from food sources may decline, increasing the risk of deficiency. Low levels of vitamin B12 can lead to neurological symptoms, memory problems, and fatigue. The recommended daily intake of vitamin B12 for women over 50 is 2.4 mcg, which can be obtained through dietary sources like meat, fish, eggs, and fortified foods. However, many healthcare professionals recommend a B12 supplement for women over 50, particularly those following plant-based diets.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that helps protect cells from oxidative stress and supports skin health. As women age, their skin becomes thinner and more susceptible to damage from free radicals, which can contribute to the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots. Vitamin E helps combat these effects by neutralising free radicals and promoting skin elasticity. The recommended daily intake of vitamin E for women over 50 is 15 mg, which can be obtained through dietary sources like nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils. Supplements can provide additional support, but it's important to choose a product that contains mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols for maximum benefit.

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that support digestive health and immune function. As women age, the balance of bacteria in the gut can become disrupted, leading to digestive issues, weakened immunity, and even cognitive problems. Probiotics help restore this balance by promoting the growth of healthy bacteria and crowding out harmful pathogens. The recommended dosage of probiotics varies depending on the specific strain and health concern, but most experts suggest a minimum of 10 billion CFUs (colony-forming units) per day. Probiotic supplements are available in various forms, including capsules, powders, and liquids, and can also be found in fermented foods like yoghurt, kefir, and sauerkraut.

Herbal Supplements for Women's Health

evening primrose oil capsules

In addition to vitamins and minerals, certain herbal supplements can provide targeted support for women's health concerns, particularly during menopause. Black cohosh, a perennial plant native to North America, has been traditionally used to alleviate menopausal symptoms like hot flushes and mood swings. The active compounds in black cohosh, known as triterpene glycosides, are believed to exert an oestrogen-like effect on the body, helping to balance hormone levels and reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flushes. The recommended dosage of black cohosh varies, but most studies suggest a daily intake of 20-40 mg of a standardised extract containing 1 mg of triterpene glycosides.

Evening primrose oil, derived from the seeds of the evening primrose plant, is rich in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an omega-6 fatty acid that helps regulate hormone production and reduce inflammation. Supplementing with evening primrose oil has been shown to alleviate PMS symptoms like breast tenderness, bloating, and mood changes, as well as reduce the frequency and severity of hot flushes during menopause. The recommended dosage of evening primrose oil is 500-1,000 mg per day, standardised to contain 8-10% GLA.

Maca, a root vegetable native to the Andes mountains, has gained popularity as an adaptogenic herb that helps the body cope with stress and promotes overall well-being. Maca is rich in nutrients like vitamin C, copper, and iron, and contains unique compounds called flavonolignans that have been shown to support hormone balance, energy levels, and libido. The recommended dosage of maca varies, but most studies suggest a daily intake of 1,500-3,000 mg of a standardised powder or extract.

Consulting with Healthcare Professionals


While supplements can provide valuable support for women's health, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen. A doctor or registered nutritionist can help assess individual needs, identify potential nutrient deficiencies, and recommend the most appropriate supplements and dosages. It's also important to discuss any existing health conditions or medications, as some supplements may interact with certain drugs or exacerbate underlying issues. By working closely with a healthcare professional, women can develop a personalised supplement plan that supports their unique health goals and promotes overall well-being.

Conclusion: Top Women's Health Supplements for Every Age

Women's health is a complex and ever-evolving journey that requires attention, care, and support at every stage of life. By understanding the unique nutritional needs of each age group and incorporating targeted supplements into a balanced lifestyle, women can take proactive steps towards optimising their health and well-being. From the bone-building nutrients of the 20s to the hormone-balancing herbs of menopause, the right supplements can provide a foundation for vitality, resilience, and empowerment. As women navigate the challenges and triumphs of each decade, prioritising their health and seeking the guidance of healthcare professionals can help them embrace their full potential and thrive at every age.

Unlock your health's full potential with Supplements Wise – your trusted source for premium women's health supplements tailored for every stage of life!

Further Reading

Here are some excellent resources to help you further understand the role of supplements in women's health:

  • Vitamins and Minerals for Women's Health: Learn about the essential vitamins and minerals critical for women's health across different life stages with guidelines from the Office on Women's Health.